Deniz Shad Dizj company under the brand name Zhildas from the Hat Payalar group of companies with investment in the production of oil cakes and edible cocoa cream (breakfast chocolate) with more than twenty types of products in different weights and flavors in 09/1399 30 has been put into operation and has been able to gain a good share of the consumer market during two years of operation.
The first foundations started in 1382 with the purchase and distribution of the products of the company in Shebastar city, in the continuation of this movement and with the support of modern experience and knowledge, Hatef Paylar was established in 1388 and the Hatef Paylar brand was distributed in the industry. and broadcast in East Azarbaijan province to the community of producers. In 2019, due to the completion of the production and distribution chain, the establishment and operation of the production unit in his hometown has been taken.
Zhildas has a special view on the health of the product in the cake and chocolate industry and always considers the production of a healthy product as its most important priority.
All rights of this site belong to Zhildas brand. | Design and development Nik Honar